Oct 12, 2017
Staff Applications
Minecraft Username: DuckTummy
Age Of Applicant: Thirteen, but mature when needed.
Timezone: Mountain Time Zone (-7:00)
Why you think you're worth being chosen:
I will (attempt to) further brighten the server. In times that it is necessary, I will bring justice. If anyone's hacking, griefing or anything else of the sort, I will take the precautions and depending on the severity, I will give whatever punishment is needed. (That is, if I get mod. Otherwise, there's other things I could do.)
If I don't get mod, which I'm kind of expecting at this point, I could go around the server and report any bugs that I see (Which I do anyway, but regardless). Another thing, for instance-- Someone loses a spawner because they don't have a silk touch pick. From there, I could return* the spawner to them. If, say, someone gets greifed, I will attempt to do what I can to restore their house and items** as well.
Have you had previous experience: Yes, Over my years of playing, I've been owner of a couple of servers, co-owner to 3, admin to more than 10, mod to 2 and helper/builder/other to many more.
Anything else you would like to add that would increase your chances of being chosen: I'm a good people-person. Also, I'm open to changes for the most part.
Discord Tag: DuckTummy#6007
*They didn't get it back, so I'd give them one. If they're abusing this, however, I will leave them to get their own and cut their losses.
**Again, if they're abusing the system and griefing their own houses AS WELL as hiding their items, I will alert someone.